Friday, January 21, 2011


Mark was teaching Jared how to ride a bike without training wheels. It was really fun, but Jared doesn't want to ride a bike. Maybe next year. Here are some fun pictures.
After that the kids wanted to learn how to golf. Mark got the clubs out and let them take a few practice swings.
Jared is not a fan of golf. I think he was still frustrated from the bike.
Curtis thinks he is a pro. He is still waiting for his invite from PGA. He wasn't that bad for a 2 year old.
Abby has a good swing. Mark took her to an executive course a few days later. She really enjoyed herself.


Marja Liisa said...

That Curtie is so cute. I absolutely loved watching him play the Wii Fit at your folks house. He is going to be one little athlete.

Unknown said...

Hi EmmaLee! Thanks for leaving your comment. Life is good for us. Feel free to send me an email at It's good to see you again.